Nutrition Education - Google Slides for Middle & High School Educators

Translating nutrition education recommendations, boiling them down into a lesson plan, and teaching students seems like a simple endeavor. I mean MyPlate is pretty self-explanatory, right?

Over the years I have worked with Physical Education and Health teachers across Washington State and what I have found is there is so much misinformation out there that condensing scientific information into a lesson plan is NOT that simple!

Let’s take a walk through my Google Slides created for Middle and High School teachers and really, anyone who wants to teach MyPlate. There are only 36 slides designed to be a 45-60 minutes lesson plan.

This is what we will cover. Download the full google slides presentation here. Discount code for 10% off: C8D8ADA

  1. USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans: MyPlate is their communication tool for current, peer-reviewed, scientific information.

2. The Five Food Groups: Why are there five food groups? This is something students are encouraged to consider throughout the presentation. The goal is to have them come to the conclusion that each food group provides our bodies with different, and important, nutrients.

3. The Nutrition Facts Panel: The ability to reach a Nutrition Facts Panel and make conscious decisions about how to select healthful, nutrient-rich foods, is a life skill. A calorie is a measure of energy and we all need energy! However, the sum of calories says nothing about the nutrient content of a food. Have you ever heard the term overweight but undernourished? Informed decisions about food begin with a better understanding of the nutrition facts panel.

4. Foods Included in a Food Group + Tips for Selecting Healthy Options: Consider which foods are in a food group and how to choose the foods that meet your needs.

5. Nutrients by Group: Different food groups provide different “lead” nutrients our bodies need to thrive. We next discover the nutrients behind the food groups and the benefit each provides us.

6. Assess Learning - the Food Groups: How better to assess learning on the food groups than to graphically show the nutrients in a serving of food? What food group do you think the graph below portrays? Notice the lead nutrients are fiber followed by vitamin C and vitamin A.

Answer: Vegetable Group
Bonus: The Food is Green Beans

7. Physical Activity Recommendations: Healthy food choices are only one piece of the wellness puzzle. Being physically active for 60 minutes a day, in ways you enjoy is equally important.

Finished this presentation by discussing individual health goals. Everyone is on their own health and wellness path. We provide the information and skills that assist in making healthier choices without judgment. We can ALL make healthier lifestyle choices. Supporting wellness goals by teaching healthy lifestyle habits can truly last a lifetime.

Download the full presentation here.


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